Thursday, 30 October 2014

Complexion of skin and appearance

These beauty acupressure points are used to improve people's complexion, skin and appearance. The Four Whites acupressure point is one finger width under the lower ridge of the eye sockets under the pupils in a depression of the cheek. Massaging and pressing the Facial Beauty acupressure point relieves acne, improves the complexion and facial circulation. This point is at the base of the cheekbone under the pupil of the eye. The Heavenly Appearance acupressure point is in an indentation under the ear lobe behind the jawbone. The Wind Screen acupressure point is in a depression behind the ear lobe. Press and hold the points for 60 seconds three times a day for clear healthy skin.

You should also massage these acupressure skin points for 60 seconds once a day: the Third Eye point which is between the eyebrows where the nose joins the forehead; the ST 3 point on the cheek under the pupil at the level of the lower edge of the nostril; the SI 18 under the cheekbone under the outer corner of the eye; GB 20 in the depression at the bottom of the skull outside the two muscles on the neck and ST 36 or Three Mile Point which is four finger widths beneath the kneecap and one finger width outside the shin bone. Some other acupressure points to press and massage for healthy skin are SP 10 which is two finger widths above the knee and one finger width toward the inside of the thigh, LI 11 which is at the outer end of the crease formed when you bend your arm and Sea of Vitality which is on the lower back two and four finger widths away from the spine at waist level.
Another acupressure technique to help clear and prevent acne is the dry facial wash. To dry wash your face rub your hands together until they're warm. Then move your four fingers over your face starting at the forehead and moving down the center of your face past your lips and under your jaw and then back up near the ears over the forehead. Do this ten times and then repeat in the opposite direction ten times.
Performing a yoga routine with these five yoga poses will also help your skin by increasing the blood flow to your face, flushing away toxins and bringing nutrients to your skin. The postures are the standing sun, the knee squeeze, the seated sun, the baby and the cobra.

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